Sparta Church of the Nazarene 1787 Smithville Hwy, Sparta, TN 38583
Welcome to the Family
At Sparta Church of the Nazarene, we love to be together and share life with those in our community. We have ministries for every age to get involved in.
Prayer is a foundational part of our faith and relationship with the creator of the Universe. We believe in the power of prayer and that God desires communication and relationship with us. We can use this basic direction in praying. A.C.T.S. Adoration (Praise Him) Confession (Confess), Thanksfiving (Let God know what you are thankful for) Supplication (Lift your burdens and others burdens up to God).
Elders / Seniors
We have a great group of Seniors who meet regularly to share in each others company. Come and join us on Sunday and check out the events page for details of these events.
Sunday School
Sunday School will resume somewhere in the near future we hope. Due to covid we have temporarily discontinued classes. Each class is age based and provides an opportunity for each individual to delve into scripture and Bible study. We have personable teachers that invest and take pride in teaching schripture to their class. Please join us Sunday morning and participate in the conversation.
Our Children's ministry is lead by a loving team that truly believes in children. They invest a lot of time and energy to provide all children a safe and fun place to learn about the love of Jesus. Each Sunday and Wednesday there is provided an opportunity for these children to see the that Jesus desires a relationship with them.
The Youth Group gets together twice a week. Sunday Evening is a time that we focus on deepening the relationships with each other and with Christ. We are able to use this time as an opportunity to develop our faith and understand our role. Wednesday, the teens come after school for a time to hang out and play games. At 6:30, we have service and are able to focus on Christ and provide a safe place for students to worship and be who God created them to be.
Music is a great way to worship and that is very important to us. Music plays a large role in our service. Choir, Ensembles, and Solos are part of services. We are blessed to have so many talented people to participate in this ministry. Each Wednesday the men and women split up and use their voice to glorify God. It is also a time of relational ministry and growing their relationship with Jesus.
Community service
We are excited to share in opportunities that connect us with our neighbors and community. We are now putting together a community garden. We are planting seeds that will allows us an opportunity to share in growing together while also helping feed our community. We would love for you to join in and plant, maintain, and harvest the garden with us. It does not matter if you attend our church or not. Our focus is our community.